Monday, November 16, 2009

So ugly it's almost cute? Maybe not...

Long Live the Mole Rat. Scientists are studying naked mole rats to see if their extraordinary lifespan of up to 28 years and ability to avoid getting cancer could be of relevance to human health and longevity. Researchers found that the mole rats' cells have a double system for inhibiting irregular proliferation, compared with the single system in human cells.

from NYTimes


  1. Nothing cute about a mole! I hate moles, they dug tunnels all over my GA garden.
    The ones in your pix look like they have teeth growing out ouf their nose. YUCK!

  2. De är de fulaste djuren, i allafall på skansen! De ser ut som något obehagligt man skulle hitta i byxan på nån gammal kiss-alkisgubbe, om man någonsin skulle få för sig att titta där!
