Sunday, October 17, 2010

The lucid dream work out plan

Ok, so a few nights ago I had a dream about lucid dreaming. No, not a dream where I was lucid dreaming, I've never actually been able to do that. But a dream about lucid dreaming. Basically it was a Snabba Cash (in English called Easy Money, a novel from 2006) meets lucid dreaming scenario.
    So I'm Mrado in the dream and after some boring stuff like riding around in a car with no driver while I'm trying to change clothes in the passenger seat and being caught on one of those speed cameras after I almost hit some DB who tried to cross the road in a cross walk when there was a car without a driver coming towards him, (hello!) THEN the more interesting part of the lucid dreaming work out plan comes into play.
    So, the big new thing in the body building community (Mrado was a body builder in the book, and also had problems with being a bad driver, but not to the extent that he rode around in the passenger seat and let the car drive itself) is working out while you are lucid dreaming, which totally maximizes the effects of the workout. But, since it's a dream everything is totally screwed up. So I'm in the gym and I'm not lucid dreaming, I'm basically sleep walking, or sleep working out I guess is more accurate. I'm on the bike machine sort of slumped over like half way sleeping and the gym owner comes over and is like oh cool you're doing the lucid dreaming technique! I'm all excited and say yeah, it's the first time I've been able to do it! The owner of course is a lucid dreaming pro and starts bragging about how he's done it at least 50 times while he's flexing his muscles.
    I think at some point I also, while "lucid dreaming", tried climbing up one of those ropes and also do handstands.
Here's me (aka Mrado) breaking bones while lucid dreaming :D

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